Photo Competition
We are trialling a photo competition to see what interest there is. The photo completion will be mostly conducted on the Kersbrook Landscape Group Facebook pages to make it most accessible to the majority of people.
Here are some basic guidelines to start the ball rolling.
- Photos should fit into any of the Gallery categories on the website and should be relevant but not necessarily taken in the region.
- A maximum of two photos can be submitted in any one month.
- Photos must be submitted by midnight on the last day of the month.
- Photos should be posted in the best quality resolution possible on Facebook (we will later need a higher quality file for the website.)
- Photos need to be accompanied by the photographer’s name and email address or they will not be accepted into the month’s entries.
- Photos will be judged on a number of aspects that will include Composition, Technicality, Subject and Wow factor.
- The winner of the previous month becomes the judge for the month and their decisions will be final. (judges are of course unable to enter in their judging month.)
- The winning photos will be displayed on the KLG website Gallery as well as on the Facebook! (photos don’t need to be winners to be included in the galleries.)
KLG Secretary Heidi Pitman will be the initial judge.
Happy Snapping!
Last Modified October 25th, 2017